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Breaking The Coconut Issue
•Coconut and coconut oil have been the subject of controversy for nearly four decades. It seems to be a never-ending process. American nutritionists like Dr. Mary G. Enig and Dr. John J. Kabara have proved that coconut oil even though contains saturated fatty acids, they are medium-chain fatty acid and not adding to cholesterol in the human body.
Coconut Health Benefits
•Coconut and coconut-related products help in maintaining wellness with a range of health benefits. There are an array of medicines, creams, and ayurvedic oils which are made with coconut oil as a basic medium. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. EVCO is a major source of lauric acid and Vitamin E.
•Extra virgin coconut oil is accepted by medical practitioners, scientists, and experts who say it is the best oil for human health. This is made possible through the research work and clinical studies undertaken by eminent doctors, nutritionists, and scientists from various countries for scientifically establishing the positive attributes of coconut and coconut oil.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Cholesterol Levels
•You cannot say LDL is bad and HDL is good. It is more complex than that. There are two types of LDL: one small and dense the other large and soft. The large LDL is good cholesterol the type used to make bile, hormones, and vitamin D. It is essential to life.
•The small dense LDL is the type that becomes oxidized and can be harmful, as all oxidized lipids can be. Taking extra virgin coconut oil increases both HDL and the “good” LDL, thus lowering the risk of heart disease. This is one of the reasons why populations that eat a lot of coconut oil have the lowest heart disease rates in the world.”
Wonders of MCTs Found in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
•Also MCTs are found to be absorbed directly into the portal circulation and transported to the liver for rapid metabolism, so no extensive uptake into adipose tissue takes place. Studies have shown that coconut oil or virgin coconut oil does not contribute to abdominal obesity. EVCO is even found to induce waist circumference reduction. This characteristic could be beneficial for obesity, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Cardiovascular Diseases
Increased risk for cardiovascular disease is attributed to elevated levels of serum cholesterol, which in turn is due to increased intake of saturated fats. About 60 years back, it was found out that coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids. It was also experimentally proved that saturated fats will lead to atherosclerosis. So, people equated coconut oil with heart disease.
•However, about 25 years back, it was proved that coconut oil, although contains saturated fatty acids, it is of a special variety called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). After consumption, the medium-chain fatty acids (present in coconut oil) directly enter the bloodstream and are metabolized immediately. On the other hand, long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) (of other oils) require the help of lipoproteins, which are eventually deposited into various organs, including heart vessels.
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is Good For The Heart
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil’s Protective Mechanism
•Extra Virgin Coconut oil, with a very low content of polyunsaturated fatty acid, is very stable and resistant to oxidation and is a dietary supplement. It does not release free radicals. On the other hand, polyunsaturated fats easily generate free radicals, which damage our cells.
D3 Bio the Vitamin D3 with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
•Extra virgin coconut oil and Vitamin D3 are found in D3 Bio that is hand and hand in keeping our body healthy. The benefits of EVCO are already cited in this article, it also amplifies the rate of absorption and health benefits given by Vitamin D3.
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